BIM Standards: A Universal Language for Collaboration in the AEC Industry

bim standards

Building information modelling (BIM) standards are a set of rules, procedures, and guidelines that specify how data is generated, shared, and handled in a BIM setting. Project workflow can move smoothly with BIM standards, which provide a common framework for data exchange and project delivery. Following BIM standards leads to increased efficiency, fewer errors, and better decision-making throughout the project lifecycle, resulting in better project outcomes and client satisfaction.

While that is a brief overview of BIM standards and how they can help your construction project, let’s keep reading to learn more about this framework.

What are BIM standards?

BIM standards are guidelines, protocols, and processes that define the way information is created, exchanged, and managed in a BIM environment. These standards establish a common framework for modelling, data exchange, and project delivery, ensuring that all project stakeholders follow a unified approach to BIM implementation.

Because several key organisations play an important role in the development and implementation of BIM standards, the framework may differ from one organisation to the next.

For example, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has several key components in their BIM standards, which are:

  1. Concepts and Principles (ISO 19650-1): This part of the standard provides an overview of the concepts and principles of BIM. It sets the foundation for understanding the other parts of the standard.
  2. Asset Delivery Phase (ISO 19650-2): This part of the standard focuses on the delivery phase of an asset. It provides guidelines for how information should be managed during this phase.
  3. Asset Operational Phase (ISO 19650-3): This part of the standard provides guidelines for managing information during the operational phase of an asset.
  4. Information Exchange (ISO 19650-4): This part of the standard provides guidelines for how information should be exchanged between different parties involved in a project.
  5. Security (ISO 19650-5): This part of the standard provides guidelines for ensuring the security of information in a BIM model.

These components work together to ensure that information is effectively and efficiently managed throughout the project’s lifecycle. The BIM standards framework serves as the foundation for future BIM developments.

Before we get into the details of BIM standards, you may want to learn another concept that is required in construction project management. One of them is thermal analysis; learn more by reading this article, “Thermal Analysis: What It Is and How It Helps the Construction Industry“.

Importance of BIM Standards

BIM standards play an important role in advancing a cohesive, efficient, and sustainable future in construction.

These standards establish a universal language that promotes collaboration among diverse project stakeholders, reduces communication barriers, and enables teams to exchange information seamlessly. Furthermore, BIM standards streamline processes by ensuring data consistency and fostering efficient workflows, resulting in fewer errors and delays and ultimately successful project outcomes.

Quality assurance is another important aspect of BIM standards because it ensures the overall quality of the project and related information, increasing efficiency in the coordination of various disciplines and optimising processes within the AEC world. Furthermore, BIM standards encourage sustainable design and improve interoperability across software platforms, fostering collaboration by ensuring data consistency.

Key BIM Standards Organisations

There are several key organisations that play a significant role in the development and implementation of BIM standards:

  1. International Organization for Standardization (ISO): ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organisation that develops standards, including those for BIM. ISO 19650, “Organisation and digitisation of information for buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM)—information management using building information modelling,” represents the latest BIM standard established by ISO.
  2. UK BIM Framework: The UK BIM Framework develops standards, guidance, and resources to support individuals and organisations in the UK to understand the fundamental principles of information management using BIM³.
  3. Autodesk University: While not a standards organisation per se, Autodesk University provides valuable resources and guidelines for implementing BIM standards, especially for Revit workflows.
  4. Universities and Research Institutions: Various universities and research institutions conduct studies to assess organisational BIM capabilities and develop key criteria for BIM implementation. For example, a cross-regional study was conducted by researchers from George Washington University, Universiti Malaya, University of Tehran, Virginia Tech, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, and Daffodil International University.

These organisations and institutions play an important role in standardising BIM, ensuring its effective and efficient use in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. They contribute to the development of a common BIM language and understanding, allowing for greater collaboration and interoperability in construction projects.

Australian BIM Standards

In Australia, BIM standards are primarily developed and maintained by the National Building Specification (NATSPEC), a non-profit organisation. Here are some key aspects of Australian BIM standards:

  1. NATSPEC National BIM Guide: This guide is the central reference in a suite of documents that define requirements for BIM projects in general. It outlines uses for BIM on projects, BIM Management Plan content, roles and responsibilities, collaboration procedures, modelling requirements, documentation standards, and digital deliverables.
  2. Project BIM Brief Template: This template is used to outline initial strategic decisions early in a project. It provides a means of documenting client requirements regarding BIM for their projects.
  3. BIM Management Plan Template: A BIM Management (execution) Plan (BMP) is a formal document that defines how a project will be executed, monitored, and controlled with regard to BIM.
  4. ABAB BIM Process Consistency Report: This report is a step towards developing BIM process consistency for the digital design, construction, and operation of built assets across Australia.
  5. Asset Information Requirements Guide: This guide assists clients and their consultants to define their Asset Information Requirements (AIR) in order to take advantage of BIM’s capacity to deliver the information about a built asset captured during the design and construction processes to those responsible for its ongoing operation and maintenance.
  6. Open BIM Object Standard: This standard assists in the creation of BIM objects, for use by all construction professionals.

These standards and templates facilitate nationally consistent BIM implementation, leading to greater efficiency, productivity, and sustainability across the industry as a whole.

That’s everything you need to know about BIM standards. Construction documentation is an important part of the BIM process. Learn more about that in this article, “Construction Documentation: Components and Importance in the Construction Industry“.


To sum up, modern infrastructure and construction projects depend heavily on BIM standards for their success. Organisations may optimise project workflows, improve teamwork, and produce better project outcomes by following established BIM standards. A strategic approach to promoting innovation, efficiency, and quality in the IT industry is to embrace BIM standards, which are also best practices.

Are you ready to implement BIM into your construction project? If that is the case, you should look into BIMscaler’s consulting and management services.

BIMscaler consulting and management services provide end-to-end BIM usage for your project, starting with BIM/model management, content management, project start-up, project meetings, and end-user support, including as-built documentation creation.

As a leading Australian provider of BIM services, BIM Scaler assures you of a professional and effective BIM implementation for your building project.

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